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You do not want to cook? Let's taste our soup and dishes! It's quick and easy! Don't feel yourself guilty! It is natural, homemade, without preservative or colouring!
For fish soups lover or tempting to...
Fish soup lover? Seafood and earth food...
Langoustine fish soup made with fresh...
Lobster bisque with curry is a savory &...
The protected and safeguarded Baie de...
Discover the gray shrimp soup made by...
This lobster oil is a specialty of...
Discover the delicious cod brandade...
Discover the cooked tuna and its...
Discover the monkfish accompanied by...
Pure creation, it is a white tuna...
Typical dish of the Basque Country, the...
The rock fish soup prepared by Azais...
The scallop soup prepared by Azais...
The lobster bisque prepared by Azais...
The real bouillabaisse by Azais Polito...
This crab oil is a Groix Nature...
This algae oil is a Groix Nature...
Azais Polito's stuffed squids are made...