Haddock rillettes with curry
6,40 € tax incl.

Seaweed, marine spices are to be consumed like herbs of Provence. In seaweed tartare, as an aperitif, on fish, in salads, they can easily be integrated into all dishes and culinary preparations. Small quantities are enough to provide original, crunchy flavors and meet certain micronutrient needs.


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Kobu Royal contains eight times more calcium than in milk. Naturally rich in iodine, it is used to improve the cooking of legumes, make papillotes or as a spice.

Kombu royal is a laminaria (large brown algae) that is widely consumed in Asia.

It is known in Asia and around the world thanks to Dashi broth, a base of Kombu and dried bonito.

Perfect for broths, miso soup, sprinkled on rice or eggs.


Ingredients: Kombu Royal

Fabienne's tips

Excellent in a pumpkin soup, a dhal, at the end of cooking a ratatouille, in a risotto, to bring depth to a dish.

It is often used in cooking cereals and legumes to soften them and therefore have a more digestible and faster cooking.

Ideal for making seaweed confits with its caramelized flavors.


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Seaweed, marine spices are to be consumed like herbs of Provence. In seaweed tartare, as an aperitif, on fish, in salads, they can easily be integrated into all dishes and culinary preparations. Small quantities are enough to provide original, crunchy flavors and meet certain micronutrient needs.