Haddock rillettes with curry
6,40 € tax incl.

Seaweed, marine spices are to be consumed like herbs of Provence. In seaweed tartare, as an aperitif, on fish, in salads, they can easily be integrated into all dishes and culinary preparations. Small quantities are enough to provide original, crunchy flavors and meet certain micronutrient needs.


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Dulse is a purple-red algae that is reminiscent of shellfish in terms of flavors.

Raw, it brings texture to dishes and sauces, cooked, it quickly becomes melting and releases all its flavors.

It can be grilled in a pan for smoky flavors.

It naturally contains high levels of calcium, iron and amino acids. Naturally rich in vitamin A, B12, C, K1, potassium, amino acids, iodine, manganese. It naturally salts all your dishes


Ingredients: Dulse

Fabienne's tips

Tomato salad in summer, beetroot and endive salad in autumn winter, tuna and dulse tart, mayonnaise etc

This seaweed is very interesting in dessert, chocolate cake with dulse!


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Seaweed, marine spices are to be consumed like herbs of Provence. In seaweed tartare, as an aperitif, on fish, in salads, they can easily be integrated into all dishes and culinary preparations. Small quantities are enough to provide original, crunchy flavors and meet certain micronutrient needs.